The Club was established in 2006 by Geoff & Glenys Boyden to encourage people to get out & drive their Classic Cars & to enjoy the friendship of like-minded vehicle owners. There are no Membership fees as Members donate vouchers or electronic donations to a charity in return for participating in one of the monthly runs (usually on the 2nd Sunday of the month). A very simple and successful formula.
Vehicles must be 30 years old. They must have a current registration & WOF. Drivers should have a current drivers license and have completed registration & waiver paperwork (on 1st run only). Younger vehicles are permitted by Member agreement as long as they fit the theme of our club.
What happens when you become a Member
Your details are recorded on the Club’s data base so you can receive monthly newsletters. These show details & pictures of the most recent drive as well as allowing you to register for the next month’s drive.
You will receive a CCBC Logo windscreen sticker for your Classic Car
How do I know what to donate
Vouchers (such as Supermarket or fuel) as well as we offer an electronic transfer system. Funds go directly to our chosen Charity. Our present Charity is Arohanui Hospice in Palmerston North. You need to register on our Web Site (www.classiccarbreakfastclub.nz) prior to coming on the run, this is a simple online process that takes less then 3 minutes. Our assembly point for registration is the TIKE MALL carpark by Supercheap Auto at 192 Rangitikei St, Palmerston North, enter from Rangitikei St. You will need to arrive between 6.45am – 7.10am. You will receive instructions & a map detailing this month’s drive in exchange for your donations There is then a Driver’s briefing & we depart (in a convoy) at 7.25am sharp. We cannot wait for you if you are late as we need to keep to a schedule. Part of this is advising our Breakfast Hosts of the final number attending & arriving at Breakfast at the agreed time of 9.30
Format for each run
Runs are 115 – 130Km & usually take 2 hours with a 10-15 minute break at half way for a re-group, stretch your legs including a toilet stop. At the end of the run there is an optional breakfast which can cost between $20 – $25 per person. Breakfast venues are usually not more than 70km from Palmerston North. Breakfast over we draw several free raffles for donated prizes . Finishing time is usually 10.30am so Members can get on with their day.
We’d love you to join us!
If you are interested in joining our fun club click here and we will do the rest.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Classic Car Breakfast Club